EntertainmentSpooky Stuff

Turpin Case- A Mother and Father That Became Monsters!

Do the faces in the image seem innocent to you, well read the title again. Yes, they are the ones that turned out scarier than monsters to their own kids.

This is a case of child abuse and captivity incident. The case has caught the eye of a huge number of people. It was due to a couple in Perris, California, the United States holding captive their own thirteen children. The couple named David and Louise Turpin was arrested on January 14, 2018.

Call to 911

The story made headlines when 17-year-old Jordan Turpin escaped from his house and contacted police on January 14, 2018. The 17-year-old called police by a deactivated cell phone.

It was disclosed that a couple named David and Louise Turpin had captivated their own kids in their house for their whole life. The children were abused, starved, hit and what not.

Escape plan

Reports suggest that the children were planning an escape for more than two years. As they got a chance, on January 14, 2018, two of the children ran from the house via a window. The pair included 13-year-old Jolinda and 17-year-old Jordan. The little one got scared and returned home, but the 17-year old got away. She had a cell phone, and, even though it was not active, she was able to call 911.

Turpin Couple With Their Thirteen Children

Children Condition

When the police entered the house after following the call and reaching the house, they found some of the children in a dark room chained to their beds, which had an extremely unpleasant smell. The 13 children were from ages 2 to 29. Seven of them were legal adults (ages 18+) in 2018.

The siblings were chained, beat, strangulate and tortured by their parents. They were only allowed to eat just once a day and were given the chance to shower just one time every year. Sources state that the older children were really malnourished, they seemed to be much younger than they actually were.

The eldest of thirteen, Jennifer who was 29-year-old, weighed just 37 kg at the time they were found. I couldn’t even imagine how she was even alive. Some of them seemed to be even lacking the basic understanding of the world, as they were not familiar with what medicine and police were.


The Turpin couple was arrested and detained In 2018. They initially did not plead guilty to all charges. Numerous legal charges and court trials happened in the following months. In February 2019, the pair accepted the charges and plead guilty on fourteen felony counts. The felony charges included “cruelty to an adult-dependent, child cruelty, torture, and false imprisonment”. Both of them were sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 25 years. Due to the severity of the crimes, many experts believed they would never get parole.

Background of the Couple

Let’s talk about the background of this couple. David Allen Turpin and Louise Anna Turpin first met when they were allegedly 17 and 10 years old. 6 years later in 1985, the couple decided to get married. According to sources, Louise was minor at the time, so they eloped which resulted in angering Louise’s father, Wayne Robinette, who was a pastor church at the time. This definitely gives sight to their story. Accordingly, the couple is believers of the Quiverfull movement and Pentecostalism. They told their parents that they kept having children “God called on them” to do so. This does show us that they were superstitious.


Another important thing to note is that Louise, her sister Elizabeth Flores, and their cousin, Patricia Andreassen, were sexually abused as children by their maternal grandfather. Another sister of Louise’s, Teresa Robinette, claimed that their mother, Phyllis Robinette, née Taylor (1950–2016) allowed their grandfather, John Taylor (1924–2018) ⁠to abuse them as children, in exchange for cash.

Teresa Robinette – Louise Turpins sister

Louise’s sister Elizabeth Flores had stated in her book titled Sisters of Secrets, that Louise became obsessed with witchcraft, Satanic rituals, and Ouija boards, and had even tried to convince Flores to join a snake-handling festival. Theresa had made the statement that as a couple, Louise and David explored various religions and were involved in swinging.


The fact that they did such things is dooming as sources state that Davis was a computer engineer who graduated from Virginia Tech and had worked as an engineer for both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. And for a person who is well educated can do such bizarre things is just unthinkable.

The Turpin Family

According to multiple sources, the siblings had photos of them clicked and posted on their father’s Facebook. They were taught to keep secrete. They never talked to anyone clearly. There are so many things disturbing about this family. The case is deemed as extraordinary for a number of reasons, such as the abuse being done to multiple children by two parents.

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